By Karen Rae, Founder of Balanced Life by Karen Rae® and Creator of The Signature Balanced Life Planner®
“I wish I could make more money.”
“I’m not skilled enough for this job.”
“I’m never going to be able to lose the weight I want to; I don’t have the drive.”
These negative thoughts pop into our heads more often than we’d like. When we think, feel and believe these thoughts it brings down our confidence, causes stress, and allows for a negative outlook. These negative thoughts can become self-fulfilling prophecies. We start believing that we’re not good enough, we’re undeserving, feeling that the things we want in life are out of our reach or unachievable. I’ve been there, I’ve felt these feelings and thought these thoughts before.
That’s when I discovered the power of daily affirmations, whether it’s writing them down, saying them aloud, or even looking at yourself in the mirror and literally speaking them to yourself, it does make a difference!
Saying positive things about yourself may feel weird at first, but slowly, but surely you’ll start believing those things about yourself; you’ll start to feel that you are worthy and let go of the negative self-limiting beliefs that have been holding you back. After all, we wouldn’t dare speak to anyone the way that we speak to ourselves, now, would we?
Take a few minutes to write out some positive affirmations and start your mornings by saying them aloud, do it again in the afternoon, and at bedtime, and see the difference that it makes in your life.
Before you know it you will rewire your brain and when a negative thought pops up, you will literally look at yourself and say “that’s not true, this is not what I believe about myself, I deserve the most life has to offer and nothing less!” Sounds silly, but mark my word, it’ll happen!
So, if you’re reading this and you want to start moving towards your dreams and leave the negative thoughts behind you, this is your que to start right here. Pick up a good habit of daily affirmations, it’s simple and it works!
Buy yourself a pretty notebook, one that motivates or inspires you - I suggest pretty and motivating because you want whatever notebook or journal you are writing in to resemble the words that will be written inside.
Why I suggest physically writing them down - When we write we are able to process our emotions, allow for focus, and develop a stronger connection with what we are writing.
Find the affirmations that are right for you- Don’t just scroll on Instagram or do a Google search, you may discover some beautiful affirmations, but are they the right words for you? Do they connect and align with what you want? Make sure the ones you choose resonate with you.
Pick affirmations that give you a good feeling inside, don't just choose a list of ten that someone made on a blog post. Now, that’s not to say some of what you find on social media or Google won’t resonate with you, but just be mindful of the ones you do pick. You need to find what sparks you!
Speak them aloud - You don’t have to shout them from the rooftop, but speak them aloud. Speak them over coffee, on your drive to work, through a workout, on a walk, whatever space feels right for you.
As most things go in life, you can’t expect this to work overnight, it takes practice and persistence. You have to set some time aside, make it a priority, make YOURSELF a priority, but in doing so, I promise you will reap great benefits!
Karen Rae is a lifestyle expert, personal development coach, and Mompreneur based out of St. Petersburg, FL. She’s been featured in Authority Magazine, The Hollywood Times, ABC Live Action News, and on BLOOM, Tampa Bay’s only daily 1-hour TV show focusing on health & lifestyle.
If you’re interested (curious) about how COVID 19 led Karen to take her life back and start inspiring hope and change worldwide click here and sign up to receive Karen's FREE TIPS on how to have work-life balance, renew your faith, get and stay fit, improve your relationships, and MORE.
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